Gun Gospel

  • Title: Gun Gospel
  • Author: Mason Macrae
  • Publisher: William Collins Sons & Co Ltd. for the Wild West Club
  • Publish Year: 1940
  • Binding: Hard Cover with Dust Jacket
  • Market: U.K. 

After eight months over the border, Walter Magill – “Limberleg of the Lazy Y” – returns to White Water to find trouble brewing. The little cowtown is packed with strange wagons and horses. In the saloon, Hugh Crowl – the new owner of the Flying U – is demanding from Sheriff Langford the protection of troops for his new ranch.

Either he gets protection or he takes the law in his own hands. When Sheriff Langford refuses, it doesn’t take long before Limberleg is once again riding in one of the most bitter range-feuds of the West.

Notes to the Book: Limberleg Magill is a character that Mr. Rubel had visions for as a main character in a series of novels as well as motion pictures. One letter to his literary agent, A.L. Fierst, indicates that intent. See The Limberleg Series for more information.