- Title: The Scarlet Saddle
- Author: Mason Macrae
- Publisher: William Collins Sons & Co Ltd. for the Wild West Club
- Publication Date: 1944
- Binding: Hardcover with Dust Jacket
- Edition: 1st Edition
- Print: 1st
- Market: U.K. / Europe
For a young man to find himself suddenly the owner of a large ranch might seem to many a stroke of uncommonly good fortune. But young Weston Day not only inherited the biggest ranch in Skull Valley, but he also inherited an oversized load of trouble.
Day’s ranch carried some mighty fine cattle, but the land was coveted by his neighbor, a sheep man. In the West, sheep and cattle don’t mix. Soon fiery passions were let loose and the whole countryside was aflame with a rip-roaring battle between determined and implacable enemies.
Mr. Mason Macrae has certainly written another rousing, fast-moving story of the West at it’s most exciting.