- Title: The Fiddle-Back Brand
- Author: Mason Macrae
- Publisher: William Collins Sons & Co Ltd. for the Wild West Club
- Publication Date: 1945
- Binding: Hardcover with Dust Jacket
- Edition: 1st Edition
- Print: 1st
- Market: U.K. / Europe
This is the story of the bold, imperturbable Hodge Malone and his great fight with Rivers of Fiddle-Back.
When Malone set out to settle accounts with the black-hearted owner of the Fiddle-Back he was warned that he would need the luck of the devil himself and a gun hand quicker than lightening. But Malone had just those same priceless assets to help him in his fight.
The Fiddle-Back Brand is by that popular writer of exciting Westerns, Mason Macrae.