- Title: Death was their Business
- Author: Mason Macrae
- Publisher: William Collins Sons & Co Ltd. for the Wild West Club
- Publication Year: 1960
- Binding: Hard Cover with Dust Jacket
- Print: 1st
- Edition: 1st
- Market: U.K. / Europe
Life in the boom towns of the West was a tough struggle for power and survival. Young Dan Andrews had chosen to be a lawyer rather than to follow his father’s footsteps as the town’s undertaker. But Dan’s first case plunged him straight into the thick of mystery which spread it’s tentacles through every street and business in Carson City. A town which had overnight mushroomed to roaring prosperity.
The trail finally led him to his father’s house.
But before Mason Macrae’s fine new Western novel reaches its thrilling climax, Dan has to face danger, hatred and the fury of a woman scorned, before he wins through.