Prairie Dust

  • Title: Prairie Dust
  • Author: James L. Rubel
  • Publisher: Phoenix Press, NY
  • Publication Year: 1936
  • Binding: Hard Cover with Dust Jacket
  • Print: 1st
  • Edition: 1st
  • Version: U.S.

On his return to claim the Flying S Ranch, John McLuckie is involved in a stage-coach robbery. The driver’s ability at repulsing the bandits with a bull whip impresses McLuckie. However, he is thrown into a struggle with the railroad, which requires the Flying S to give a right of way. McLuckie uncovers Speed Caslin, foreman of the Flying S, as the stage-coach robber, but the very able young driver not only helps considerably but fills a very important niche in McLuckie’s later life.

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