- Title: Showdown at Sundance
- Publisher: William Collins Sons & Co Ltd. for the Wild West Club
- Publication Year: 1958
- Binding: Hard Cover with Dust Jacket
- Print: 1st
- Edition: 1st
- Market: U.K. / Europe
Like a bad penny Dan McCadden turned up at Three Forks every year. He came to collect his share of the profits from the big Keyhole ranch where his half brother, Sam, worked and ran things. Sam had found a half share in the profits a small price to keep Dan away from the ranch and his treacherous ways. It worked out fine until the day Dan thought he had found a way to ditch Sam and take over the ranch for himself. He reckoned that with Keyhole as bait he could easily catch Sybil Stonor, as well. Dan would then possess the biggest spread and the prettiest girl in Sundance.
But Dan’s plans were not quite as cunning as he thought when Sam threw caution to the wind and set out to snatch his prizes by fast gun-play and cunning prowess.
The author of The Man from Tucson and Thunder Valley has written another fast moving and authentic story about the rugged years in the West when revenge was swift and men were quick to reach for a gun.

- Title: Showdown at Sundance
- There was a 2nd publication, but we do not have any details yet.