Broken Skull Western fiction by Mason Macrae

Broken Skull by Mason Macrae

Originally published in 1959 and titled “Shoot-Out“, we recently republished this book on Kindle. For reasons unknown, there were several Mason Macrae books that were not picked up and republished on Kindle by Lume Books. This was one of them. The story is, like all of the Mason Macrae books, fun and entertaining to read. Here’s the synopsis:

Susan Keller owned more land and controlled more grazing acreage by right of might than anyone in the county. No one in Shoshone dared to oppose her and her hired gun-slicks. Eli Bradley, editor of the town’s only newspaper, decided that the time had come to fight the tyranny spread by Susan Keller and her crew at the Broken Skull ranch. Just one honest article in the paper set the town blazing and Zeke Smiley, the Broken Skull foreman and the fastest draw in the territory into a personal feud with Mr. Bradley. Mason Macrae has written another gripping Western that reaches its climax in a thrilling duel to the death.

If you subscribe to Kindle unlimited, you can read it for free. Otherwise, it’s available on Kindle for $3.99.

Broken Skull by Mason Macrae on Amazon Kindle.
